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Use these tutorials if you are accessing the School Portal on a mobile device.

How to Login

STEP 1: Open any web browser of your choice. (Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox)
STEP 2: Enter the URL in a web browser of your choice.
STEP 3: Navigate to the School Portal link and click it.
STEP 4: Enter your username and your password. 

How to view bills

STEP 1: Login to your dashboard

STEP 2: Click "Fees".
STEP 3: Click the fee name to see fee details.

How to view receipts

STEP 1: Login to your dashboard

STEP 2: Click "Fees".
STEP 3: Click the fee name to see fee details.
STEP 4: Scroll down to "Payment Receipts".
STEP 5: Click the receipt you want to view.

How to check School Calendar for events and dates

STEP 1: Login to your dashboard

STEP 2: Click "Calender".
STEP 3: Click "Show more" to see more upcoming events. 

How to switch to desktop view on a mobile device

STEP 1: Enter the URL in a web browser.
STEP 2: Navigate to the School Portal link and click it.
STEP 3: Go to your browser settings.
STEP 4: Select "Request desktop site" from the option.
STEP 5: Proceed to login.

How to Reset your password

STEP 1: Open any web browser of your choice. (Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox)
STEP 2: Enter the URL in a web browser of your choice.
STEP 3: Navigate to the School Portal link and click it.
STEP 4: Click "Forgot password?"
STEP 5: Enter your username and click "Submit".
STEP 6: Check your mail for the reset link.
**Check your "Junk folder" if you do not find the email in your Inbox.**

More Tutorials Coming Soon!


Nii Osae Ntiful Avenue
American House, East Legon
Accra, Ghana


Phone: (233) 249 172 109

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