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Use these tutorials if you are accessing the School Portal on a laptop or a desktop computer.

How to Login

STEP 1: Open any web browser of your choice. (Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox)
STEP 2: Enter the URL in a web browser of your choice.
STEP 3: Navigate to the School Portal link and click it.
STEP 4: Enter your username and your password. 

For further clarification, please watch this video.

How to Reset your password

STEP 1: Open any web browser of your choice. (Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox)
STEP 2: Enter the URL in a web browser of your choice.
STEP 3: Navigate to the School Portal link and click it.
STEP 4: Click "Forgot password?"
STEP 5: Enter your username name and click "Submit".
STEP 6: Check your mail for the reset link.     
**Check your "Junk folder" if you do not find the email in your Inbox.**

For further clarification, please watch this video.

How to change your password

STEP 1: Login to your dashboard

STEP 2: Click on your user button on top right.

STEP 3: You can see the "Change Password" tab. Click on it to access the password changing option.

For further clarification, please watch this video.

How to view and print academic reports

STEP 1: Login to your dashboard

STEP 2: Click the "Menu" button at the top left.
STEP 3: Click the "Academics" tab.
STEP 4: Click "Academics".
STEP 5: Navigate to "Gradebook Reports" and click on the  Batch* reports you want to view. 
All previous year's reports are under "Previous Batches".
STEP 6: On the "Previous Batch Reports" page, navigate to "Report Type" and choose "Term Report". STEP 7: Choose the term you want from the "Report" dropdown menu.

To Print Academic Report
STEP 8: Scroll down and click "Download PDF".
STEP 9: Print the PDF.

*Batch refers to East or West in classes that have double stream.

How to view and print bills

STEP 1: Login to your dashboard

STEP 2: Click the "Menu" button at the top left.
STEP 3: Click the "Academics" tab.
STEP 4: Click "Fees".
STEP 5: Click on the Class you want to view.
STEP 6: Click on the Term fee under "General fees"
STEP 7: View the particulars or, 
STEP 8: Click "Print summary" to print bill.

How to view and print receipts

STEP 1: Login to your dashboard

STEP 2: Click the "Menu" button at the top left.
STEP 3: Click the "Academics" tab.
STEP 4: Click "Fees".
STEP 5: Click on the Class you want to view.
STEP 6: Click on the Term fee under "General fees"
STEP 7: Scroll down to "Payment History".
STEP 8: Click the icon in the last column to view and print receipt.

How to send your child’s teacher a message

STEP 1: Login to your dashboard

STEP 2: Click on your envelop icon on the top right.

STEP 3: Click on New Message.  
STEP 4: Type your child's teacher's name in the "Recipient" textbox. 
STEP 5: Type the subject of the message.
STEP 6: Type the message.
STEP 7: Click "Send Message".

How to check School Calendar for events and dates

STEP 1: Login to your dashboard

STEP 2: Click the "Menu" button at the top left.
STEP 3: Click the "Academics" tab.
STEP 4: Click "Calender".
STEP 5: Click the arrows to move between month.
STEP 6: Hover the mouse pointer over coloured boxes to view event details.

You can view fee due dates, holidays, events and examinations on the Calender. 

More Tutorials Coming Soon!


Nii Osae Ntiful Avenue
American House, East Legon
Accra, Ghana


Phone: (233) 249 172 109

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