STEP 1: Open any web browser of your choice. (Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox)
STEP 2: Enter the URL in a web browser of your choice.
STEP 3: Navigate to the School Portal link and click it.
STEP 4: Enter your username and your password.
For further clarification, please watch this video.
STEP 1: Open any web browser of your choice. (Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox)
STEP 2: Enter the URL in a web browser of your choice.
STEP 3: Navigate to the School Portal link and click it.
STEP 4: Click "Forgot password?"
STEP 5: Enter your username name and click "Submit".
STEP 6: Check your mail for the reset link.
**Check your "Junk folder" if you do not find the email in your Inbox.**
For further clarification, please watch this video.
STEP 1: Login to your dashboard
STEP 2: Click on your user button on top right.
STEP 3: You can see the "Change Password" tab. Click on it to access the password changing option.
For further clarification, please watch this video.
STEP 1: Login to your dashboard
STEP 2: Click the "Menu" button at the top left.
STEP 3: Click the "Academics" tab.
STEP 4: Click "Academics".
STEP 5: Navigate to "Gradebook Reports" and click on the Batch* reports you want to view.
All previous year's reports are under "Previous Batches".
STEP 6: On the "Previous Batch Reports" page, navigate to "Report Type" and choose "Term Report". STEP 7: Choose the term you want from the "Report" dropdown menu.
To Print Academic Report
STEP 8: Scroll down and click "Download PDF".
STEP 9: Print the PDF.
*Batch refers to East or West in classes that have double stream.
STEP 1: Login to your dashboard
STEP 2: Click the "Menu" button at the top left.
STEP 3: Click the "Academics" tab.
STEP 4: Click "Fees".
STEP 5: Click on the Class you want to view.
STEP 6: Click on the Term fee under "General fees"
STEP 7: View the particulars or,
STEP 8: Click "Print summary" to print bill.
STEP 1: Login to your dashboard
STEP 2: Click the "Menu" button at the top left.
STEP 3: Click the "Academics" tab.
STEP 4: Click "Fees".
STEP 5: Click on the Class you want to view.
STEP 6: Click on the Term fee under "General fees"
STEP 7: Scroll down to "Payment History".
STEP 8: Click the icon in the last column to view and print receipt.
STEP 1: Login to your dashboard
STEP 2: Click on your envelop icon on the top right.
STEP 3: Click on New Message.
STEP 4: Type your child's teacher's name in the "Recipient" textbox.
STEP 5: Type the subject of the message.
STEP 6: Type the message.
STEP 7: Click "Send Message".
STEP 1: Login to your dashboard
STEP 2: Click the "Menu" button at the top left.
STEP 3: Click the "Academics" tab.
STEP 4: Click "Calender".
STEP 5: Click the arrows to move between month.
STEP 6: Hover the mouse pointer over coloured boxes to view event details.
You can view fee due dates, holidays, events and examinations on the Calender.